Certification and Approval

Do you want to monitor the quality of your label? Use Charm Control for efficient and uniform inspections. Structured reporting increases transperancy and quality of inspections and thereby the value of your label!


Inspection process

Charm Control facilitates the inspection process with structured composition, implementation, recording and reporting of your inspections.

audit standards


Support for many standards and labels. Definitions of ISO, NEN, ABU, Webstandards 2 and other standards can be read easily. Overlap in standards is detected. Interpretations are then efficiently added and edited.

audit evidence

Accountability and Substantiation

Both conformity and non- conformity of a standard underpins the auditor with evidence and findings. Charm Control supports many types of evidence and findings, which may be added either as a free-format or categorized. This justifies the auditors judgement, now and afterwards.

audit reports


Reports are generated automatically from the standards, evidence, findings and judgments. Template define the content and format of the reports. There are a number of pre-defined templates available but they can also be defined by users themselves.

audit issues


For detected deviations of the standard issues can be created. Based on attributes like status and responsible person different overviews can be created. This enables one to monitor whether and when a label can be awarded yet.

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