Charm FIN Trader

With Charm FIN Trader you can trade all asset classes on all FIX exchanges, brokers and order platforms. An intuitive interface that supports FIX 4.0 till FIX 5.0.

order ticket

All asset classes

Charm FIN Trader is intuitive and user friendly. All asset classes can be traded with it. Trading of strategies is very well supported. Charm FIN Trader allows for easy definition of a;ll strategy legs. A summary as a check is shown in each order ticket.

block order ticket


The pre-allocation for blcok orders can can easily be specified in the order dialogue. By adding, updating and / or deleting an account and associated volume, the list of pre-allocations is built up. As a check, the total allocated volume is compared with the specified order volume.



Customers can submit orders via FIX. These orders are also visible in the FIN Trader. Orders that require special handling are shown to the trader. The trader approves the special treatment or adjusts the request accordingly.

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